Fans of Porn, Activate Orgasm!
There are tons of sexy folks from Italy, Spain, Turkey. It's got a high concentration of people from the Mediterranean, but I'm not complaining about that. If you like to get off online, check it out.
Coverage of me and other train wrecks: my mama, subway nut jobs, sex and the environment.
When was the last time you left a party feeling completely comfortable with your social skills? I swear, everytime I hang out with a group of people larger than 3, I end up feeling like I'm a little bit retarded. Just a little bit off. Of course, as many of you other singletons will admit, part of that comes from realizing that through most of the conversation I've been thinking myself superior to everyone around me. So for a while, I think I'm better and then upon reflection I think "Holy caca, I'm dysfunctional." Is there a pill we can take for this see saw effect? Like an only child syndrome pill?
Presented by Groove Junkies, this jam's hittin my groovefeet. Turn up the volume and watch out for my favorite verse:
Rosa sat so Martin could walk
And Martin walked so Barak could run
And Barak ran so that children could fly
Now fly, children, fly.
...your upstairs neighbor is drunk Friday, Saturday and Sunday and screams at the landlord about the temperature in his apartment and slams his apartment door repeatedly and concludes his tantrum by playing Get Up, Stand Up by Bob Marley at a floor-shaking volume and the police shows up.
I'm only 32, I'm not ancient, but sometimes I feel the years, especially if I'm at a club or bar filled with 20-somethings. Anyway, maybe that's why I only discovered Fedde le Grand back in May: because I'm now officially behind the times.
And finally, Governor Paterson's plan to slash social services and increase tuition at state schools in order to patch up New York State's big ass deficit did not pass. That's good news...but there's still a big ass deficit to fill. Paterson was unwilling to tax the wealthy, and while I whole heartedly disagree with his stance, it's unclear how his plan's opponents in Albany feel about taxing themselves, er, the wealthy. At least, it was unclear to me from the NY Times article that reported this news. If I had time while at my day job to dig around for more information, I would.
The NY Times, reporting on the states' budget defecit crisis, has this to say about New York Governor David Paterson:
in New York, Mr. Paterson, a Democrat, has proposed $5.2 billion worth of savings, principally cuts to Medicaid and education.
[T]he higher we tax even the wealthy, the more we lose population and the less job creation there is. We're pretty resigned to the fact that we're going to have to do this with spending cuts.
This guy is starring as Segismundo in Repertorio Español's La vida es sueño: