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Happiness, Children, Happiness

You know when you learn something that has a profound effect on your life and you feel really happy and so you wanna share that knowledge with everyone because you're convinced it'll make them happy, too? It's kinda like what Christians feel when they open their hearts to The Bleeding One (TBO) and go on missions around the world to convert people.

Well, I'm here to convert you to meditation. I think it's key to lasting happiness and peace. There's tons of kinds of meditation. I've been practicing techniques based in Tantric philosophy (which has limbs in Buddhism and Yoga, but I'm in the Yoga branch of it).

Still, I don't have time right now to teach you everything. I wish I did. I wish I could help you be happy, because I know you want to be happy, but the thing is, meditation is something you practice and only YOU can find the inner peace/happiness/contentment/divinity (you can call it so many things). Each person has this contentment inside themselves. Well, maybe psycho killers don't and that's what makes them slaughter, but the rest of us do, I'm sure of it. Anyhow, all that to say: I've been meditating; it makes me happier; it might make you happier too if you practice with dedication.

Google meditation, find a simple technique, and get going! It totally beats communion wafers and there's no oppressive dogma.




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