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Dream Back to Eden

John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel, declares that global warming is a scam. The most memorable statement: "The impact of humans on climate is not catastrophic. Our planet is not in peril."

Global Warming IS a scam. We don't need to rethink our relationship to the environment any more than we need to stop dumping pig shit into waterways or pumping carcinogens into the soil, or filling the air (and our babies' lungs) with industriul caca.

Global Warming is a hoax, so...relax. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Imagine a world where the air is pure, where forrests abound and coral reefs frolic under the waves as polar bears dance with northern lights. Keep your eyes closed and imagine.


Blogger the informed anarchist said...

Thanks for this one, Alex. Its nice to know that the founder of the Weather Channel (what ever that is) does not agree with the many many scientists around the globe who are all pleading with governments to look seriously at the various problems we face. In the case of Australia (where I come from) the head of climate studies at the CSIRO (Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) finally resigned his position after appealing to successive governments from 1980 onward, trying to get them to look at the coming water problems Australia would be facing. Each government thanked him sincerely and did nothing. Now we have water restrictions across the country, and have been in drought for most of the past 10 years. We also have newspaper commentators who keep pushing the line that global warming is a leftist scam played out to frighten consumers into thinking about their wasteful lifestyles.
Keep plugging away, Alex.

ALl the best from Australia

6:10 PM

Blogger Gucci said...

Thanks for your comment, Sirch.

Yup, the water situation in Australia is frightening. I'm so sorry your government, much like America's (where I live), is hostile to the idea of changing its citizens' habits. Plus, you've got giant, mutated Cane Toads to contend with.

Not that we're any better. At least Australians seem to have left the desert to itself. In America we've turned deserts into aquatic paradises and endless suburban oases.

My crazy theory is that countries should turn to what's left of their native people (e.g., your Aboriginal tribes) to learn how to best live sustainably within nature.

7:33 PM


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