Coverage of me and other train wrecks: my mama, subway nut jobs, sex and the environment.


On the Hot Track

Dripping on the way to the train and on the train and out the train. Dripping all morning from the moment I got out of bed, which means I had to get out of the way of the wind from the fan pointed at the mattress and into the heat of the rest of the room. New York City is baking. Today it feels like 110F (the 'F' is for 'FUCK!') and the deeper underground you go for your commute, the closer to hell you get. My home station is 3 flights down. Along the way you could see the sweat trails of commuters. There were drops on the stairways, by the platform, liquid streaming down faces and soaking shirts and pants. Even on the train itself there were drips of sweat along the floor.

Al Gore says the earth has a fever? Well here it is, sucking the water out of our skins. Who knew the path towards the obliteration of the species would be so wet?


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