Coverage of me and other train wrecks: my mama, subway nut jobs, sex and the environment.


Mama's Message

Hi my love, I was missing your call today
And today coincidentally I didn’t go to church
I don’t know if you called me
Because I dyed my hair
And they changed the time
And now it’s three twenty something
And nothing, I’ve been in here
Putting photographs in photo albums
Remembering all the times with us together

And the last few we developed
And that nostalgia
And wanting to speak with you
So, well, I hope you’re well
The weather here is beautiful
And, and missing you very much
There are days I miss you very very much

And it even gives me nostalgia when I see the pictures and I say:
And why didn’t I give him a kiss?
And why didn’t he put his arm around me?
And why didn’t we hug in the photograph?
And...and know how one feels...
And I hope god blesses you
That those Yoga things are going well
Enjoy it to the max
Because those things stay with you and are good for your mind and for your development and everything

And don’t forget...I love you very much.


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